
Christmas and the Blazer Game

Dan playing Christmas songs at my mom's house on Christmas Eve. My family is tone deaf, it was a very musical night :)

Pam and Meg on Christmas morning.

He loved the tie we got him so much, he couldn't wait to wear it!!!

Dan and I at the Blazer game against the Timberwolves, who Dan loves since he is from Minnesota!!! But, the Blazers won... too bad. 12 in a row!

Dan and my dad looking through the binoculars. The guy sitting in front of us only used his when the Blazer dancers came out and danced to "Nasty Boys"... hahahaha...

Things are going very well with us. Dan is already back to work and I am still on break, which is nice. I've been relaxing and working on all sorts of fun stuff like getting our house put together, and paperwork for insurance, name change, and bank account stuff... along with preparing to present training information on first aid for the next army drill and practicing my clarinet for my 2nd audition. It's all very exciting. We had a great Christmas and are enjoying the slightly calmer side of life without planning a wedding, buying a house, and finals all at the same time.


munga said...

When do we get to come over and see your townhouse?
Is your realtor still planning to give you a housewarming? That would be so much fun.
Love you guys!!!

Mandee said...

That's a funny picture of Meg. She kind of reminds me of Nepoleon Dynomite's girlfriend in it.