athers are so special, aren't they? We are really so lucky to have them in our lives. I am so grateful for Dan, he is such a wonderful dad to Arlo. He is so loving, playful, and patient with Arlo. You can just tell how much he loves that little guy. It is the most precious thing; watching those two interact. I love it! Not only am I grateful for Dan as a father, I am unimaginably grateful to my father. He is so supportive, so giving, and loving. He has taught me so much. He has given me many wonderful opportunities. I love him dearly. I am also very grateful for a wonderful father-in-law. I am truly blessed to have amazing in-laws. Brian is such an amazing dad and example to his children and grandchildren. On this father's day, I want to thank all of the father's out there who are working so hard to provide for and love their children and wives. Thank you, dads! You mean the world to your children, grandchildren, and wives.

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