
texas [part one]

This definitely wasn't the first thing that we did while in Texas (did I mention that I was in Texas for the first two weeks of August for National Guard Annual Training?). However, it was what I felt like posting about first. More on the details of the trip later... for now, we'll focus on one of the most fun days we had there, Sea World! It was neat that we got to go because it was definitely not anywhere we would have thought to, or wanted to pay to, take Arlo... but he loved it!

The 234th army band's concert band played a short concert in front of the Shamu Theater, and it was extremely hot. I mean, wow... I was drenched in sweat after the 30 minutes of playing. I don't think that the wool pants helped much, though.
Arlo taking a break from putting on sunscreen... hair a mess with sunscreen and sweat... and then him during the concert.

After that, we got to change into our "civies" and play at the park for free, as well as get 30% off all food and merchandise. Pretty sweet deal, if I do say so myself. The first thing we did was ride a "water roller coaster", my 2nd favorite ride. Pretty fun, but I didn't get nearly as wet as I thought I would:
Dan & Arlo chose to get soaked. You got more wet off of the ride than on the ride.

Arlo loved the shows, he was comletely enthralled and had the longest attention span I have ever seen him have. It was amazing. He was getting frustrated though because he wanted to touch the "fish" (killer whales, seals, walruses, and dolphins) and get in the water with them. After they'd show off their stuff, he would immediately start signing "please", "more", "fish", or "water" and saying "eese" (meaning, please) very fervently. It was pretty adorable!

We rode a couple more roller coasters (not pictured) and had some dippin' dots (Dan's first time). It was super hot, but ultimately, a really fun time. My favorite place in all of Texas.



Mandee said...

Great timing with the Shamoo shot! ...but I think the army band pic is my fave. Congrats for surviving Texas in August!