
serious artist

i know i have already posted about arlo's drawing, but he is really into it. really, really, really into it. drawing is one of the only things that can hold his attention around the house for very long. after dinner tonight, he saw the crayons and asked to draw. he just sat at the table completely focused on his "fish", "apples", and "o's". i just had to take some photos and videos (side note: i have been doing really, really bad the last two weeks at my photo a day challenge, oooops). 


Danielle said...

that is so adorable! and he is really smart courtney! holy smokes-can he tutor bennett? :)

Darcy Taylor said...

That is awesome! I cannot even get Grae to draw a line. Seriously. I show him a line, I even hold his hand and direct him, and then he just randomly scribbles all over the page. Then he tells me what he wants ME to draw for him! Way to go, artist Arlo! So cute :)

The Barlows said...

What a cutie!! He is super smart and talks so well! When did you start drawing with him?

Justin said...

OMGosh!!! He Talks!!! I need to come home. Bring him to Utah.

Hailey said...

Oh that it so dang CUTE! We have not seen him in way too long. He is talking so well. I love how he says Arlo. ADORABLE. What a smarty pants. Love it.

Kimberly said...

What a cutie! I loved this video. I did want to mention though that you have the date wrong. You wrote 05.09.11 instead of 03.09.11. Don't know if you care but thought I'd point it out!

Courtney B said...

wow. i am way more tired than i thought. maybe i should go to bed now :)

hahaha, thanks!