
lots of blue.

i don't have my own cute kids to take pictures of yet. others' kids will have to do.
last week we again went swimming with the janeways. it's really relaxing to just float in the pool and talk after a long day. especially for brayden since sean made him his own little float boat out of funoodles. i had to jump out and capture this magnificent contraption.



then on sunday we took an afternoon walk around the "neighborhood"

clouds copy


dan_phone copy


Anonymous said...

i like you so much.

Ashleigh said...

These are really cool. I wish we had a pool around here that we could go to. The one of you and Dan is hot, even though you both weren't tryin' to be. You can't help it, we all know. You both look like little models. You guys will have little model children and then you'll be like the cute family that everyone envies. Curse you and your good looks ;-)

kandra said...

I love your pictures, I wish we lived in Oregon still, I could use your talent for our family photos! I was wondering what camera you used. I just ahave a little walmart thing and I was trying to figure out what a better next step would be...

Miriam said...

That first picture of that boy is so ADORABLE! Not to mention you and Dan. Love your work!