
15 months

my big boy is 15 months old today. he is getting to be so big. really big. it amazes me how much of a little boy he is becoming. things arlo loves are: music (still), running around, playing at the park (especially watching the bigger kids), airplanes (anytime he hears one in the sky he gets really excited and immediately spots it, watches it until it goes out of view, and then whines for it to come back). he is also becoming quite the little snuggle bug and i love it. he loves to give hugs and kisses, to sit on my lap while we read, sing, or just rock in the rocking chair. his sleeping habits are definitely improving, which is much easier for me. he is not afraid of strangers (should i be worried?), he loves to wave at people, jabber at them, put on a show for them. he will also happily be held by new-ish people. he does love mom though.... i think "mama" is his favorite word. he says it a lot... and i love it.

here are some pictures of him learning to draw and color. one of the times i could get some pictures because he was trapped in his booster seat.



and this post is, "all done" (or "ah da" as arlo is signing and saying here)


matriarch said...

He's growing up much too fast to suit me. I don't get to see him nearly enough. I would love to meet you at a park sometime so I can watch all the 'cuteness'.

Heather said...

He's so adorable!

Marissa and Blaine said...

He does look so big! I can't believe it! I LOVE the pictures you took of his coloring. Great idea.