
a nothing new valentine's day!

My brain has been spinning with ideas and inspiration on what in the world I can do for Dan this Valentine's day without buying anything new. Some ideas require you to have things on hand, but I wanted to share some of what I have come up with.

Obviously most of us won't be proposing this Valentine's Day (but I love these cute pictures), but going on a photobooth date would be fun and memorable (even though the photos would technically be "new", I think this passes):

found HERE
Coupons! Who doesn't love to get some fun coupons from their kids, their husband, or wife!?
these print yourself, cute coupons can be found HERE
Make some origami hearts with some fun photos, how-to found HERE
photo from PHOTOJOJO
Create a mix CD for your love, for your friend, for anyone!
instructions, download, and fun found HERE
These are more for the photographer in your life, but I loved them. Free printable valentines, found HERE

Make fun valentine's day food or even a whole meal:

found HERE
Another photographer gift, but I feel can be applied to other people/things :) Cute candy "packages". 
found HERE
these are not FREE, you have to purchase the PDF to download the instructions + template. 
Make and "decorate" a list to give to your husband of the reasons you love him. 
this one isn't the cutest, but it was what I could find, HERE
Have post-its lying around??? Leave little love post-its all around for him to find!
found HERE

What other "nothing new" ideas do you have?


Rob and Marseille said...

this year and last year I did the 14 days of valentines for rob. some days I did his chores, some days I made him goodies, somedays I gave him a store bought gift. 14 gifts. 14 days.

Mariela said...

I made Evan three mixes two years ago for Valentine's Day, and we still listen to them all the time! It's fun to hear what songs we were really into back then. :)