I am very behind on blogging! There is a lot I have not put on here. Eliot is almost 3 months old and I never did his 2 month post. I will have to do that soon!
On labor day weekend, I was dying to get out. We went to the park by our house on Friday & Saturday evenings, but I wanted to do something more. Dan's knee was still bugging him from Hood to Coast, so we were someone limited in what we could do. We ended up finding this really short little "hike", which was perfect for Arlo. Even though it was so short, it was really beautiful!
Arlo was fascinated with collecting rocks and throwing them in the river.
After the hike, we drove just a little further up the mountain to government camp for dinner. We went to Huckleberry Inn. I hadn't been there for quite awhile, but my family used to frequent the place when we had a cabin up near government camp. I was hoping that they would have maple bars left when we got there, but they were all out. They make them right in the restaurant and they are incredibly flaky and so good. At least from what I remember.
I also taught Arlo to blow milk bubbles. It sure cracked him up, it was pretty funny. He loved it!
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