
the mundane

i am going to start a challenge at the beginning of the new year. starting right on january 1st. for myself. for my family. i am going to take a photo everyday. at least one. a personal photo. i may not post it every single day (that requires too much work). but, i want to post the photo at least 3 days a week. i am going to document even those days that i just clean, or do laundry, or am sick. i am going to take a picture, no matter what.


1. to take more pictures. pictures are great. 
2. to "journal" and remember the little things. to document life.
3. imagine being able to look back at any day of your year and recall what you did, who you met, what you learned… 
4. to become a better photographer. a photo everyday will encourage my creativity and also help me practice.

who knows what little things i will forget. i am horrible at keeping a journal, at least i am now. i used to be great at it. marriage and kids happened, leaving not much alone time. a few weeks ago in my sunday school class, we spoke of the importance of keeping records. there was a story about how one particular mother wrote down lots of things about her kids and they would read the journal together... and how fun it was. i want that for my kids. and while, i am not writing it by hand (at least, not yet... someday). i have this blog :)

and i am going to make a book at the end of 2011 of my photo-a-day journey.

inspiration found here:


i have been practicing getting into the habit. here are my photo(s) of today:
arlo playing with the reindeer antlers in front of the half decorated christmas tree. 


Danielle said...

excellent goal!

I considered doing this last year but decided on a similar one instead. Just to blog more. It could be just a picture, what we'd been up to, or something more. I have already doubled the number of blogs I've written from last year (last year I wrote 133 and this year I've already written 268).

Have fun Courtney! It's definitely a goal that requires work but offers so much reward! :)

Rob and Marseille said...

i can't wait to! also, I hear you about the tree...I can't wait to take it down. I'm afraid michael will pull it down.